Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yellow Lillies

8" X 10" oil on gessoed masonite.  Private collection.



More glass.  The light coming through the water and making designs on the left is my favorite part.


Wendy Russell said...

This painting is beautiful! The flowers are lovely and you've really captured the glass and light on the background wonderfully.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wendy. I was so anxious to get back to the easel after two weeks away. How's it going over at ?

Wendy Russell said...

The art club has a show at the city hall for the month and there's a members show coming up but it's photography. They are affiliated with the county museum too so I am putting a painting in there for June.
My show is getting closer and closer and I'm getting nervous, but excited.
Right now I'm painting a larger canvas of bamboo stalks. It's kind of simple but hopefully it will turn out O.K.
Jon's away in Quebec on a management course for 2 weeks. I'm getting a lot done.