Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bright Night

5" x 5" oil on gessoed masonite, unframed.  SOLD


I've had a big lapse in painting due to traveling.  It's spring break time for the grandkids and we're zipping back and forth across the country.  I've taken my gear with me but haven't found the time or mind set to produce anything.  THIS HAS GOT TO CHANGE.  I have lots of things trying to get out of my head and onto the canvas.


Wendy Russell said...

SOLD!! Wonderful! Love to see that. This is a different subject for you and I really like it. Are you being represented somewhere yet? I joined the Barrie Art Club and we have a group show at the City Hall right now.
At the opening the other artists were a wealth of information about where to sell.

Anonymous said...

THanks. Congrats on joining Barrie! You are really moving on up, girl.