Our 6th grade building had a fruit machine! Yes, how 21st century is that? I would buy lemons. As in "boy am I lucky I have any enamel left on my teeth". I love lemons.
5" x 5" oil on gessoed masonite, unframed $80. SOLD
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Oil paintings painted almost every day
Nice lemon, Jean. We have a Meyer lemon tree in the back yard. I just picked one for the difficult lamb shanks recipe I'm trying. My hands smell wonderfully lemony as I type.
We had a fruit machine in junior high and it seemed so weird and wonderful, but only dispensed apples, and maybe bananas.
Our machine also dispensed oranges. I think the price was 10 cents. A dime went a long way back then.
I moved to a different building in 7th grade and there was a candy machine. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
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